Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 12541
Country/Region: Caribbean Region
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

The purpose of this mechanism is to strengthen surveillance of drug users (DU) in selected countries. The activities under this mechanism will complement the PEPFAR Partnership Framework (PF) goal for strategic information; which includes conducting surveys to know the distribution of the epidemic among the general population and specifically amongst MARPS in order to establish baselines for the implementation of interventions. There is a current lack of data on DU in the region. Furthermore, during in-country consultation discussions for the Partnership Framework Implementation Plan (PFIP), some countries requested assistance with both the size estimations of DU in country and determination of prevalence amongst these groups. The objectives of this mechanism will be achieved through the technical assistance and implementation of behavioral and biological surveys amongst DU populations to better inform and plan for appropriate prevention, intervention and treatment and care programming. This mechanism will be conducted through competitive FOA.

The DU population in the region has not been well studied and surveyed to determine its contribution to HIV incidence in countries. This mechanism will assist selected countries in determining the sizes of their DU population, documenting the behavioral characteristics and measuring prevalence in this population. Countries receiving this assistance will be selected based on need, preparedness of the country to implement, estimated levels of population sizes and estimated prevalence for DU in the country. We will work in 3 to 6 countries with the priority countries being St. Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. These surveys will be a critical contribution to the countries knowing their epidemic as well the drivers in the epidemic. They will also complement activities by CDC and PAHO/PHCO (PAHO HIV Caribbean Office) in strengthening of surveillance systems in the region and assisting countries in the development of accurate epidemiological profiles.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0

As part of their National Strategic Plans and in alignment with the Partnership Framework, countries will be implementing activities to strengthen their surveillance systems to better define their epidemics and improve their M&E systems to better plan, develop and implement their programs. Conducting these surveys in a systematic manner will provide countries with behavioral and biological information of DU populations and their dynamics within the epidemic. The overarching goal for these surveys is to assist countries in knowing their epidemic.

This mechanism will focus on countries based on the estimated size of DU population. The priority countries based on request during PFIP consultations, need, preparedness, estimated size of DU and prevalence of HIV in DUs are St. Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. Other countries may conduct these surveys based on the determined criteria. The identified partner will provide technical assistance and implement surveys with input and collaboration with the MOHs. The technical assistance will involve training on population size estimates, implementation of biological and behavioral surveys and actual implementation of behavioral and biological studies on DU population. The goal is to have countries use quality data that is generated in-country for policy, program development and reporting (epidemiological profiles and national strategic plans). Preliminary assessments will be conducted to assist in the determination of the readiness of the countries to receive assistance and funding. This effort will also complement and support activities with PAHO/PHCO in surveillance system strengthening at national and regional levels.